Tamara Smallwood

Tamara Smallwood

Coming from British Columbia, Canada, Tamara's upbringingĀ surrounded by nature instilled in her a profound love for the outdoors. This love, combined with her passion for coaching and guiding, drives her to enable others to access and enjoy nature.

Having grown up as a ski racer specializing in downhill skiing, Tamara's passion for the sport runs deep. Although knee injuriesĀ led her to step away from competitive skiing at 19, she found fulfillment in coaching and sharing her expertise. Today, she remains an avid skier, with a particular fondness for backcountry ski touring and coaching, immersing herself in the beauty of nature and the thrill of adventure.

Tamara's pursuit of personal challenges extends beyond skiing. She has enjoyed Gran Fondo bike races and is now venturing into triathlonĀ territories, embodying her unwavering spirit and commitment to pushing boundaries.

Tamara's educational journey began with a Bachelor's degree in Physical Health and Education, where she gained a solid foundation in promoting well-being and fostering healthy lifestyles. Complementing her expertise, she pursued a Global Health and Disability certificate, broadening her understanding of health and inclusivity. Driven by her love for nutrition's role in overall well-being, Tamara also earned a Bachelor's degree in Food, Nutrition, and Health.

Tamaras' expertise, adventurous spirit, and commitment to making a difference serve as a guiding light for individuals seeking balanced, active, and fulfilling lives.