The Evolutionary Sports Collective is an integrated association of athletes, coaches, scientists, psychologists, consciousness teachers, practitioners, and human performance specialists.Ā 


We provide EDUCATION, TECHNOLOGIES, and COMMUNITY to support athletes, coaches, and organizations in the pursuit of achieving ideal performance states, expanding consciousness, and creating global solutions for a better tomorrow.


When you join the EVO Collective for FREE youā€™ll get access to:

EVO Newsletter

Includes articles by our Founders, as well as contributions from leaders in the worlds of sport, energy, consciousness, human potential, and more.

Learn about recommended resources, tools, and trainings, and be the first to know about upcoming events and opportunities to connect with your EVO community. 

EVO Live Masters Calls 

Monthly LIVE online community gatherings where we explore relevant topics with brilliant guest speakers who are leaders in the worlds of sport, energy, consciousness, human potential, and more.

These calls are structured for thought provoking explorations and include live Q&A time. 

EVOĀ Updates

Get access toĀ EVOs updates regarding events and partnerships to stay updated in the world of sports!

We send out sign up links for our Masters Calls, Panel Discussions, and information about upcoming events EVO may be partnering with that would interest you! Keep in touch with the world of sport and performance!


FREE Access to education, technologies, and community designed to support athletes, coaches, and organizations in the pursuit of achieving ideal performance states, expanding consciousness, and creating solutions for a better tomorrow.